Apply for skills training courses at Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram centres

Skills development

Skill Training Institutes in Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram are offering Craftsmen training courses as a part of the national-level training as directed by the MSDE. The Kozhikode centre is offering three courses for those who have completed Grade 10 – 2 years course for Power Distribution Electrician, 1 year course for smart health care IoT technician, and a 1 year course for solar technician. The Thiruvananthapuram centre is offering seven courses only for women – 2-year course in Architectural draftsman, 1-year courses in Computer Operator & Programming Assistant, DTP Operator, IoT Technician for Smart City, Secretarial Practise, and Dress Making, and a six-month course for Smart Phone Technician cum App Tester. Interested candidates will have to submit their applications before July 15. 

50 Skill Development Centres to be set up for school dropouts in HP

Himachal Pradesh is gearing up to operate 50 skill development centres by the end of July in 10 districts of Himachal Pradesh for 4,700 school dropouts by giving them training, practical knowledge, and certification to create employment opportunities. With a budget of Rs7.5Cr for vocational training, the dropouts will get to pick and choose their time of training in two trades. Boys mostly chose Information Technology Enabled Services or ITES, agriculture, and automotive and girls chose apparel-making and beauty & wellness. Those who enrol will be paid Rs50 per day for enrolling as well as attending these sessions.

Skill centre launched at pvt school in Bokaro

Kuldeep Chaudhary, the Deputy Commissioner, inaugurated a skill centre for adults and school dropouts, and innovative move by Delhi Public School, Bokaro, under the Pradhan Mantri Vikas Yojana 3.0. According to an official, this centre will provide training in embroidery and ‘chikan’ art, which will give the beneficiaries opportunities for self-employment and also make them financially independent.