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Home 2019 October

Monthly Archives: October 2019

Talent pool

Here’s a better talent pool for entrepreneurs

One of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face today on the journey to realising their dreams is the lack of skilled talent....

Manufacturing talent: The future of apprenticeships

With the technology changing at a rapid pace, the old alignment between educational qualifications and economic credentials, opportunities and careers are being...
Vocational pedagogy

How Pedagogy Impacts Vocational Skills

How vocational education should be designed and taught is often overshadowed by more commonly held discussions on what vocational education is. 
Media and Entertainment

A step closer to bridging the gap in Media and Entertainment

The conservative thinking of parents and the skill gap leading to a lack of jobs is restricting the potential and development of...

An initiative by NGO to increase youth employability

An NGO named Al-Khair Society is launching some great initiatives to help increase the employability of youth. At a time where almost...
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