Indian Pharma and Healthcare sectors anticipate apprenticeship hiring


Apprenticeship hiring is the silver lining in the Indian Pharma and Healthcare sector’s cloud brought on by the pandemic. According to the Apprenticeship Outlook report, Part II, 2020, released by NETAP, 46% of corporates are open to apprenticeship hiring. This change in mindset has been brought on by several factors including demand for essential products & services, migration of workers, need to reduce recruitment costs, and increase productivity. The cause is receiving support from the Union Government and also from independent investors.

You may download the full report here

Employers are now hiring based on the merit of Apprenticeship. E-Commerce, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing, and Engineering are some of the sectors that have taken well to the idea of Apprenticeship Hiring, also suggesting the need to invest in the model of creating a pool of talented apprentices to overcome the scarcity of workforce. Read more.