Vocational Training in an Era of Digital Learning


The impact of digital learning such as online, multi-media and mobile content on education is far reaching as more universities and institutes adopt technology to offer a faster, more content rich and relevant access to material to its students. The ramifications of digitisation on vocational training and apprenticeships is no different. A blended learning approach where on the job or on campus training is complemented with an online multi-media experience is touted as the optimal approach for a well-rounded training experience. An integrated apprenticeship programme using both technology and on-site mentoring can produce a highly customised and personalised skill building experience with multiple benefits such as enhancing learning engagement and reduction in training costs. What are the other advantages of a blended hybrid approach? In a country where a mere 4 percent of the population undergoes skills training how can digitisation help make a difference to the severe skills crunch? Find out here from Neeti Sharma, Senior Vice-president, TeamLease Services Ltd.