Over 69 Lakh Registrations On Govt Job Portal Is Telling Of The Employment Crisis

Employment Crisis

According to the MSDE on its ASEEM (Aatmanirbhar Skilled Employee Employer Mapping) portal’s data, of the 69 lakh migratory workers who registered, 1.49 lakh were offered jobs, but only 7,700 could join work and only 2% of the 3.7 lakh candidates have really got jobs.

Also Read: Sectors that will continue hiring during the economic crisis

As per the report, the logistics, healthcare, banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), retail and construction are the top sectors which offered about 73.4% of jobs on the portal site. As far as the supply side of trained/skilled workers is concerned, 42.3 per cent of people registered seeking jobs are from top states—Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Delhi. Read more.