Manipal Global Education collaborate to launch skill development academy; Teachers to receive a sponsored higher education abroad


Manipal Global Education Services and Salesforce collaborate to launch skill development academy 

Manipal Global and Salesforce have come together in order to launch a skills initiative that will build a talent pool of Trailhead certified professionals by making use of the best practices of Manipal Global for future higher education needs. The International Data Corporation or the IDC has conducted researches recently that reveal that around 1,328,200 jobs will be created by 2026 as a result of the Salesforce ecosystem, 24% of which will be able to leverage digital skills like the use of automation tools, Internet of Things or IoT, and many complex applications. This program will be carried out in two models – the B2C or the Business-to-Consumer model, a Certificate Program designed to upskill professionals having 0-4 years of experience, and the B2A or he Business-to Academia model, skilling students for entry-level opportunities. Read more.

Also Read: India’s various skilling schemes; Vocational training is the future

Teachers to receive a sponsored higher education abroad 

The teachers of civic schools will be sent for higher education abroad by the East Delhi Municipal Corporation in order to improve the education quality in these schools. The corporation has promised to bear the entire cost of education that includes not only tuition fees, but also living expenses and accommodation. Two teachers will be selected by their respective universities to study different programmes that relate to teacher training as a part of the EDMC funding of foreign training or the FFT scheme, where they will avail a sponsorship of up to Rs75Lacs for the first year. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity can be availed by teachers under the age of 42 years with a grading of ‘very good’ at the least for the past five years in their working career and must have a minimum service length of 10 years as a regular teacher. Teachers getting selected in this program can avail courses in special education, public education, use of digital technology in education, and development of education. Read more.

11 measures listed by NITI Aayog for improvement of school education system

In the move towards improving the school education system of India, especially the learning outcomes, the public policy think tank of the Centre, NITI Aayog, has come up with 11 measures so that the National Education Policy of 2020 can be implemented effectively. These recommendations were released as part of the Systemic Transformation of School Education report which were based on the findings of the Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital or the SATH-Education initiative by the NITI Aayog. Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Odisha were identified to be ‘role model’ states under this initiative and they have seen an improvement of 20% at an average over the past few years in the education system. According to the report, a Learning Outcome Framework or LOF, simplification of the assessment process, and the requirement for learning enhancement programmes were suggested in order to bridge the learning gap. Read more.

Skills development fair in Greater Noida to provide training and skill development opportunities for local youth

The Kaushal Vikas Mela is all set to be held in the coming week for providing skill development opportunities to the locals of Greater Noida. This skill development fair, to be held in collaboration with the National Skill Development Corporation or the NSDC, will provide training to the rural youngsters in various trades and businesses. The fair will have information booths that will educate attendees regarding the different skills ranging from technical to manufacturing. The officials have confirmed that the companies presenting at the fair are associated with skill training institutes and will most likely provide employment to deserving candidates. Read more.